Monday, 26 May 2014

Choices. Parables on the Journey.

A fork in the road. An old man trudging along. Unable to decide, he turns back.
Two doors. Which one do you enter.
Purgatory is no place to dwell, yet many do.
A traveler arrives at an intersection. There is a sign. It says stop. Taking it literally, his journey ends forever.
Your favourite dish is removed from the menu. Starvation now seems a real possibility.
Is the end really the end, or the beginning of a new journey. You choose.
It doesn’t matter what you do. Just make a [insert expletive] decision!
Do something.
Stop sitting on the fence.
100 words, written for Friday Fictioneers, week of May 23.
PHOTO PROMPT Copyright - Erin Leary


  1. Hi, I'm Nan from FFF. Welcome! Your story is great and I do think there are so many things we will never know. Very interesting story! Nan :)

  2. Dear Roger,

    It's nice to see you back here. I'm glad you made the decision to write. ;) A good reminder that sometimes it's better to make a bad decision than no decision at all.



  3. Good piece that gives the reader a lot to think about. Well done. ---Susan
