Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Love Letter

Dale Polesky was in love with Mia.

He wrote a note to her.

It read:

"Dear Mia. I aim to be yours.
Elope lady be by Dale Polesky forever of this day on."
33 words with Palindromes, Trifecta Writing Challenge, for Trifextra Week 104.


  1. Palindromes of love! Well done! Since Trifecta is closing up shop, what better way to say thanks than by an ode to love. Good for you! Thanks for sharing your good work over the numerous challenges we have both been a part of. I always enjoy reading your work. I wish you continued success and happiness in the world beyond Trifecta. :)

  2. Truly inventive palindromes you got there, Rog! Great letter, too.

  3. Very clever! You gave me a good giggle.

  4. Imaginative, crisp, creative, and..genuine. This piece managed to pull at my heart strings in a way that was totally unexpected. Great use of a palindrome. Nice work!

  5. Such romance you've managed to inject into your palindromes, swoon! Thanks for sharing!
